Healthy Living

How to Self-Massage Along Your Spine

Why You Should Give Self-Massage A Try 

Not everyone has the time to schedule a massage regularly and sometimes it’s just not in the budget. However, that doesn’t have to stop you from experiencing the relief and benefits that massage offers. Plus even if you do get massages regularly, adding some self-massage to your routine will only help you feel even better.

Some of the main benefits of massage are:


  • Pain reduction

  • Decreases stress

  • Help you relax and sleep better

  • Improved mobility

Benefits of Massaging Along Your Spine

The spine is an important part of our physical structure. It houses part of our central nervous system, gives solidity via the rib cage to our torso protecting vital organs and last but not least, connects all of our limbs via the pelvis and shoulder girdle. That’s a lot of work! So it is not unreasonable to think that it needs a lot of TLC. Especially since most of the nerves that supply all of our muscles, organs, and supportive tissues exit the spine between the vertebrae which make up the spine. Also when the muscles that support the spine are tight they can cause many concerns. For example, they can pinch on the nerves impeding their ability to connect properly to muscles and organs, create pain, and a host of other concerns.

How To Massage Along Your Spine

We recommend starting out with two tennis balls placed in a sock for your first attempts at self-massaging your spine. If that is too intense for you switch to a larger ball with more give or if not enough pressure switch to something like a lacrosse ball (see different massage sets that will help with spine below).


Step 1: Start by deciding if you will start at the bottom or top of the spine, then placing the two balls in a sock, which helps them to not roll away, or separate balls on the ground and then slowly lay down so that they rest on both sides of your spine. Hips rest on the floor and the head is either on the floor or a pillow.


Step 2: Make adjustments necessary so that 1st, the balls are never directly under the bone (very painful later) 2nd they are lined up at the same segment of the spine or as close as you can get.


Step 3: After you’re situated in a position that works for you bring your attention to your breath focusing on soft inhales and exhales. Maybe even try imagining as you inhale that you’re breathing into the space where the balls are applying pressure and on the exhales you try your best to relax that area.


Step 4: Try to stay for a minute or two in this first position and then adjust yourself so that the balls move up or down the spine 1-2 inches. Then resettle into this new spot and repeat the process as many times as you’d like ideally working your way along the entire spine!

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