Stress Management

4 Benefits of Talk Therapy for Men

Brad Kreitzer

October 9th, 2024

4 Benefits of Talk Therapy for Men

man mind with road to travel

Although most men would outwardly state until their dying breath that they don’t need talk therapy “They’re perfectly fine just as they are!” most could greatly benefit from 1-1 or group talk therapy. The stigma or mark of disgrace that the majority of society has placed upon those who seek help for their mental well-being has only pushed more people who need assistance further from what they actually need. Mental health struggles are not exclusive to those with a diagnosed mental illness almost everyone experiences difficulties regarding their mental/emotional well-being at least once in their lifetime. Plus, you’re actually allowed to work with a coach or mental health practitioner even if you’d just like to be a little happier, achieve your goals more easily, or improve a relationship that’s important to you. Being “broken” in your eyes or those of your peers is not required to benefit from quality talk therapy. In this short article I’ll go over the 4 main benefits of talk therapy for men from my perspective.


Connecting to Your Masculinity Is Important

What a man “is” from a societal level has changed through time and the current gender identity situation has made it increasingly more difficult for men to access their masculine core. At a fundamental level mentally, physically, and emotionally men thrive when they’re connected to the natural energy of manliness. For example, most men are blessed with physical strength, the ability to have a single-minded focus, and the innate ability to shelf their mental/emotional issues for a long period of time. All of which can be used in maladaptive ways or more adaptive healthy ways which benefit themselves and others. Making sure you’re connected to the core of who you are is critical if you want to fully embody your best self. So spending some quality time exploring what it means to be a man from your perspective and tapping into your inner strengths will help you focus in on what’s most important to you.


Increased Awareness = More Options for You

Awareness of one’s own inner world is invaluable because without it, men struggle to achieve what they want in the outer world. On the flip side awareness of the outer world regarding social interactions, resource availability, and physical limitations is also essential. When both are understood to fairly high degree for men then congruency can be much more easily achieved between their inner and outer world leading to improved overall well-being. Regardless of what your aspirations are, knowing clearly where you’re at in relation to your goals is essential for true lasting change and a well-rounded knowledge base of what your actual options are. By doing this you gain the core information needed to get you from where you are to where you truly wish to be, in reality not just within your own mental space.


Learning New Things Is Powerful

None of us exist alone in a vacuum or are even capable of surviving for very long solely on our own, we all need other people and the world around us to excel. We’re designed to constantly learn throughout our lifespan through three main methods: observation, experience, and the exchange of knowledge. When working 1-1 with a therapist or in a group men can learn how to better manage their emotions, create healthier relationships, increase self-knowledge, or even just learn how to brainstorm effective solutions to a problem you’re struggling with. The list goes on and on and we all always have more to learn.


A Life Coach Can Be Super Helpful

Anyone who’s played a team sport knows that a lot more can be accomplished by a group or pair than by any one individual. Coaching for a specific sport can be provided in talk therapy but in a broader sense the coaching model can often be used to assist men in excelling at the most important sport, the game of life. Through exploring goals, strengths, weaknesses, barriers (perceived or real), and potentials with someone capable sitting in the coach seat the path forward usually unfolds with relative ease for most people. The doing everything on your own mentality is also not always the healthiest especially when you could use the help and what you’ve been doing isn’t working. Plus, it is actually a sign of strength when you acknowledge that you could use some help and then have the courage to ask for it.


These are just a few of the main benefits that men can get from talk therapy and I will be creating more articles exploring men specific mental health topics in the future so subscribe to email list below if you’d like to stay in the loop. Also if you need/want help regarding your mental health, I encourage you to seek out support, everyone deserves to be happy and healthy, at least most of the time. 


man with obstacles in front of his way forward

Try Talk Therapy for Men

1-1 Talk Therapy

Focus on what you’re struggling with or would like to improve on mentally, emotionally, and behaviourally. This includes openly exploring the matter together in a safe and supported environment as well as developing a plan to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be. The end goal is for you to have the confidence to implement action steps outside of our sessions together plus just feel more centered and powerful within yourself. 


Men’s Virtual Group Talk Therapy

Exclusive men’s-only group talk therapy sessions are kept to small groups of no more than 7 individuals. Each session will have different generalized themes. However, it is ultimately a safe space amongst your equals to explore yourself, connect with like-minded people, and collectively move towards what you consider to be your dream life.


If you’re looking to try 1-1 or group talk therapy for men send me an email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment or join a group session.

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